emPOWER Motherhood Uncategorized
August 17th, 2023
The RE-Beginning with WINDflowers and a Warrior
The WINDFLOWER continues to fascinate me. I grew up with these sweet flowers blooming at the entrance of my parents garden as the summer heat begins to settle. I look forward to this season each year. The flowers have grown taller over the years while flourishing into more stems and blooms, and their majestic nature continues to inspire me.
This flower has a story worth knowing, as all things of this world often do. The flower’s name of WINDFLOWER originates from the Greek word, anemone, often representing the daughter of the wind. Anemones often stand for grace and beauty, combined with strength.
A WINDFLOWER portrays a living example to enjoy the moment in order to embrace opportunities when possible. I cannot imagine a better, more poetic living story as the flowers hold space for all things passing by.
A WARRIOR fights fiercely to seek light. When conflict arises, inner strength emerges to seek justice and truth, and safety. I’ve learned to become a warrior during this season of my life. It has not been easy, and my life looks very different than just a few years ago. But as I’ve learned that while warriors may always fight for what is right, there is always something that INSPIRES their perseverance and resilience, holding grace and a whole lot of grit.
As I continue to journey through so many moments of uncertainty, the WINDFLOWER helps me remember the strength within. Watching these majestic stems blow sweetly in the evening breeze gives me the courage to be flexible, hold tight and learn to let go when there is nothing left to hold. The lessons of the WINDFLOWER require me to use my voice, all which lead me to the home I’ve always known was within, and where I belong.
This blog is RE-beginning today, simply as me being present in the now. I desire a space to just be me, to share a story and perhaps, give love and wisdom to others on similar journeys of awakening and belonging. Some big projects are in the works this season and it’s time to get busy.
However you found this place today, your presence honors me and I am grateful to share this time and space with you.